With Synaptic Storage as a Service you can rest assured that your data is safe and that you will never run out of space. The virtualized, adaptice storage can scale with your needs.

As an AT&T Solution Provider, our Cloud Engineers can assist you in choosing the best pricing model. As you may not know, with Synaptic storage it is possible to commit to a certain level of storage (Commited Storage Volume) but in some cases a "pay for what you use" plan that can easily scale both up and down, may be a better choice.

Our cloud engineers work with many different carriers daily, and can give you an unbiased opinion of AT&T's Synaptic cloud solutions and how it stacks up to other carriers' offerings.

Access your data over the internet or through an AT&T VPN, it's up to you. There are 4 different storage policies available today:

Synaptic Storage as a Service - Storage Policy Options

  • Local Replicationstores data in a single location and protected with erasure coding
  • Remote Replication stores a second copy at a different location in a geograhpical remote datacenter
  • Compression compresses data to reduce filesize. The compressed data is stored using erasure coding
  • WORM - Write Once Read Many.The WORM policy also compresses data but the data can not be changed once it is stored

The Erasure coding is a datascheme that protects data in case of a hardware failure.

Synaptic Storage as a Service Pricing

As mentioned before, it is possible to pay for what you use or to get better pricing by committing to a storage volume. Our Synaptic Hosting Specialist can help determine the most viable option for your company. It starts at around $0.175 per GB of storage (local protection policy) and with a data transfer rate of $0.10 per GB/hour.

Take a test drive with as little as 1 GB of storage

Synaptic Storage as a Service can help you to:

  • Reduce infrastructure costs by aligning business expense with business value
  • Gain highly secure access to your critical data from anywhere
  • Decreasd storage and server utilization during non-peak periods and thus save cost
  • Integrate applications to your storage using an API
  • Add environments for upgrades, new app development, or testing quickly and easily
  • Get ready for unpredictable, dynamic business demands and traffic

AT&T; Synaptic Hosting

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